Bye, bye Chrome!
As of a week ago, my computers are clean of Google Chrome. Why would I get rid of fastest browser that everyone is just ga-ga about?
Well, let me tell you a little story. My home computer is a thing of evolution. I bought it new like 6 years ago and changed parts that died or needed upgrade. One thing that stayed throughout all evolution steps is, believe it or not, a floppy disk unit. To be perfectly honest, I really cannot tell you why. I haven’t used a floppy disk in ages. I cannot even remember where I have stored remaining floppy disks. One good thing about floppy drives (and the most annoying one) is that floppy drive cannot tell if a disk is in it, unless it tries to read of it. Hence a nice noise.
Anyhow… Lately, I started noticing that upon Chrome start up, my floppy drive was being checked. First, I thought that it was just one thing occurrence, but it happened each and every time I fired up Chrome. Interestingly and ironically, I used Google search and tried to find out what the hell was going on. After some browsing, I found this link to Google Chrome support (I don’t have it stored), where it was obvious that these problems started in 2008. And, to be perfectly honest, I remember I had some issues back then as well, but didn’t pay much heed to it. I read through entire page and found out that this same thing started to reappear in 2013. Also, thanks to some guy at Google who slipped what seems like too much information, apparently Google searches your attached storage upon start up. It would seem they don’t keep many computers with floppy drives at Google (who could blame them), so they never noticed the bug until they shipped a new version and people started to complain. To obvious outrage of person reporting a bug, Google only stated that they will stop checking floppy drives from next version onward and closed the support ticket.
So, this got me thinking… Why would I want a browser to check my computer storage upon start up? I really could not find a good reason. Google claims, that it only does it for plugin checkup, but with an updater running 24/7 and using port 80, I sincerely doubt that. I guess I could sniff the network traffic, but I rather spent 5 minutes uninstalling Chrome.
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