Quick tip: Cache busting in ASP.NET revisited
Anyone that tried to cache static files eventually got to a point where cache caused more problems than it solved. After all, telling all your users to press Ctrl + Refresh in their browsers is not exactly how one should do things on the web. Two years ago Mads Kristensen presented us with a solution in his article Cache busting in ASP.NET. The solution uses Fingerprint class, that basically updates cache object every time a static file is changed.
All fine and well. So why do I jab about it now? The solution, in my opinion has two glitches:
1. It is tightly bound with URL Rewrite IIS module.
2. It always links static content to root URL.
So, without further ado, I present you with “upgraded” solution that avoids both issues and works with relative URLs (relative to application URL anyway). In-page usage remains the same.
using System.IO; using System.Web; using System.Web.Caching; using System.Web.Hosting; public static class Fingerprint { public static string Tag(string rootRelativePath) { if (null == HttpRuntime.Cache[rootRelativePath]) { var absolute = HostingEnvironment.MapPath("~" + rootRelativePath); var dateLastWrite = File.GetLastWriteTime(absolute); var result = VirtualPathUtility.ToAbsolute( string.Format("~{0}?{1}", rootRelativePath, dateLastWrite.Ticks)); HttpRuntime.Cache.Insert( rootRelativePath, result, new CacheDependency(absolute)); } return HttpRuntime.Cache[rootRelativePath] as string; } }
This code is also available as gist.
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