Web developer: Why 2017 feels exactly like 1997?
I don’t know how many of you, dear readers, remember still how it was like being a web developer in late 90s? You know, the time when not every kid knew how to do web-sites. The time of Geocities, Angelfire and Lycos. The time without Google (well, nearly). The time before cross-browser javascript frameworks and no real support for CSS2. These were the times when 5% of your work presented doing the actual web site and 95% of time was spent on tweaking HTML, CSS and JavaScript to actually work in Netscape 4 and IE 5. And in the end, you somehow always ended doing layout with tables in tables in tables… Yeah. You didn’t want to be THAT guy.
But, with web becoming “the thing” and web sites started to blossom, we got Netscape …uhm… 4 and IE6 and CSS2 support improved (yeah, right) and first semi-useful cross-browser library came to life. It was called cross-browser and surprisingly enough it still online. As funny as it looks today, this was the first library where you didn’t have to pay attention to browser specifics. It gave us at least a glimmer of hope that future is going to be better and bright…
Fast-forward 20 years. Internet Explorer and Netscape are a thing of the past. Chrome, Firefox, Edge and Safari browsers are now in. We have full CSS2 support (well, very nearly) and so many cross-browser javascript libraries that we can’t even name them. Yet, working on my side project TimeLoggerLive, I started to wonder. Is it really that different? I mean, sure, new technologies are out (HTML5, CSS3, Angluar7000 etc.), but has things actually changed for web developers?
CSS3 initial release was in 1996 and HTML5 standard was in preparation since late 2000s. Yet, all these new browsers that we switched to because of promised support for “the latest and greatest” standards still don’t support either in full. Worse even. Like back in 1990s, each and every browser implements the standard differently. You can imagine the confusion.
In case of TimeLoggerLive, my kryptonite is a property contenteditable. The property’s functionality is awesome. By setting it’s value to true, you are supposed to be able to edit content of any HTML tag, provided the property is set on that tag. Handy. Except, it does not work on all tags in IE and Edge browsers, Firefox has some strange behavior, if you use it on empty cell and Chrome, which offers the best implementation of it, for some odd reason, distorts column width.
I checked one of my favourite pages CanIUse.com and it is marked as full support across all browsers, but Opera mini. However, there is a “known issues” section, where it is explained that IE browser does not support contenteditable property in following tags: TABLE, COL, COLGROUP, TBODY, TD, TFOOT, TH, THEAD, and TR. To avoid this, one needs to implement a DIV tag into each table cell. Groovy. Except, when you implement DIV tag, suddenly all browsers start showing border around editable content, which leads to more nasty CSS hacks.
Yes. It feels exactly as 1997.
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