Design patterns – Part 9: Mediator pattern
This week, I present to you not much used, but quite useful Mediator pattern.
Mediator pattern provides a unified interface to set of interfaces in a subsystem.
Or, to simplify… Mediator pattern is mediator for communication between several classes.
Now, the easiest way to explain this pattern is via example. Example itself is borrowed from dofactory page, but modified to fit LotusScript. It is about a simple support chat room. This chat room has several users of two types: admins and customers. I will call them participants. These participants can communicate amongst each other, presuming, they know user ids.
First, we need a chatroom template class, as we might end up with more than one chat room. Chat room will need to register participants and to be able to deliver messages to them.
Class CChatroomTemplate Sub Register (participant As CParticipant) End Sub Sub Send (strFrom As String, strTo As String, strMsg As String) End Sub End Class
As participants need instance of chatroom class and chatroom needs list of participant class instances, we need to create chatroom and participant class frameworks and only then put code into it. Participants need to be able to send and receive messages. Finished classes are displayed below.
Class CSupportChat As CChatroomTemplate m_LMembers List As CParticipant Sub Register(participant As CParticipant) If (Not Iselement (m_LMembers (participant.UserId))) Then Set m_LMembers (participant.UserId) = participant End If Set participant.Chatroom = Me End Sub Sub Send (strFrom As String, strTo As String, strMsg As String) Dim participant As CParticipant If (Not Iselement (m_LMembers (strTo))) Then Exit Sub Set participant = m_LMembers (strTo) Call participant.Receive (strFrom, strMsg) End Sub End Class Class CParticipant m_chatroom As CSupportChat m_strUserId As String Property Set Chatroom As CSupportChat Set m_chatroom = Chatroom End Property Property Get UserId As String UserId = m_strUserId End Property Property Set UserId As String m_strUserId = UserId End Property Sub new (strUserId As String) m_strUserId = strUserId End Sub Sub Send (strTo As String, strMsg As String) Call m_chatroom.Send (m_strUserId, strTo, strMsg) End Sub Sub Receive (strFrom As String, strMsg As String) Messagebox strFrom & " to " & m_strUserId & ": " & strMsg End Sub End Class
Now that base classes are set, it is time to create real participant classes. In our case, we need one for admins and one for regular users.
Class CAdmin As CParticipant Sub new (strUserId As String) End Sub Sub Receive (strFrom As String, strMsg As String) Messagebox "Admin message" Call CParticipant..Receive (strFrom, strMsg) End Sub End Class Class CUser As CParticipant Sub new (strUserId As String) End Sub Sub Receive (strFrom As String, strMsg As String) Messagebox "User message" Call CParticipant..Receive (strFrom, strMsg) End Sub End Class
Testing the code
For testing purposes, I put it all in agent, created four users (of which one is admin) and sent 3 messages to admin and admin responded to first one. The code is below.
Sub Initialize Dim chatroom As CSupportChat Dim user1 As CParticipant Dim user2 As CParticipant Dim user3 As CParticipant Dim user4 As CParticipant Set chatroom = New CSupportChat() Set user1 = New CUser ("User 1") Set user2 = New CUser ("User 2") Set user3 = New CUser ("User 3") Set user4 = New CAdmin ("Admin 1") Call chatroom.Register (user1) Call chatroom.Register (user2) Call chatroom.Register (user3) Call chatroom.Register (user4) Call user1.Send ("Admin 1", "Help?") Call user4.Send ("User 1", "What's wrong?") Call user2.Send ("Admin 1", "My server just crashed!!!") Call user3.Send ("Admin 1", "Network died!") End Sub
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