Author Archive

Cleaning behind you

Ending up a big project, I was brimming with confidence. The code was well structured, it ran fast despite using external web services and on top of that, it worked on test system. Oh boy, did it work. I should have seen a warning sign there. But no. I let my vanity kickĀ  in and […]

Web services and arrays in LotusScript

Recently, I was working on an agent that used a web service to export data. Now, I don’t know if you noticed, but for some reason, consuming services is way easier in LotusScript than it is in Java. As far as I know, and I could be wrong, you need to import Axis in Java […]

Software that makes you go arrrrrrgh

Recently, I had a “privilege” to acquaint myself with numerous small business applications for Windows. First, I would like to state that there is some good software out there and kudos to all of you who deliver it. Unfortunately, such software is in wast minority. However, you can quickly detect such software. Installation process is […]

Sametime 8 Business Card Problems

Recently we experienced an interesting issue with Sametime Business Card. There was a couple of our users for which business cards stated nothing more but their respective names. Not even an online status.

Sametime 8.5 rant

As upgrading to Domino 8.5.1 went so fine, it is time to upgrade our only Sametime server. Yes. Only Sametime server. We are a company of 80 and there is really no need for something more. Specially as we use WebEx as a meeting and conferencing software.

Merry Xmas…

… and a happy New year 2011. This concludes my posts for this year and see you all in next one.

Upgrading to 8.5.1

Come end of last week, we started upgrading our servers to release 8.5.1. I did test upgrade of our development server couple of days back and find it incredibly easy. All test servers were installed in some 15 minutes. Without a glitch. Yeay for us and let’s go upgrade our production servers.

How about Trim for unicode?

Quick tip. Trim and FullTrim functions in LotusScript don’t know how to trim Unicode strings correctly. Non-breakable spaces (Unicode &160; characters) are not trimmed. Which is annoying to say the least And while we are on subjects, they don’t trim tabs as well. I have already posted this on IdeaJam, so if you feel you […]


There is a new player in town, and Stackoverflow is his name. This might sound like a commercial, but it is true. How many times have you searched for a problem / solution and you got zilch, or in best case got a link to well known site that requested you pay for the answer […]

JQuery, AJAX and IE

On our FlipIT service web page, we experienced an interesting problem. There is a “Did you know” (DYK) section that refreshes upon clicking the link. Behind all that is an AJAX created with JQuery $.get method. All normal thus far. Until IE steps into the picture. I don’t know if the same behaviour is in […]