Author Archive

Lotus Notes 8.5.1

With the abundance of posts out there, I thought I would chip in my 5 cents worth. Yes, I know I am a bit late. Release 8.5.1 is for LotusScript developer everything he could ever hope for. Specially if you are into OO programming. Finally you don’t have to check your old classes what parameters […]

@Charset CSS command

Since I ported my notebook to Linux Mint, I started using Eclipse for web page development. Apparently nowadays, it is common practice to add @CHARSET “UTF-8”; to the top of your css files. Also, Eclipse does that by default, which is nice.

What not to do in multi-domain evnironment

There is one thing you oughtn’t do in multi-domain environment. Ever. We did it, as it was needed to successfully connect Cisco Click-to-call plug-in for Sametime with Cisco Presence server.

A year ago…

So it is a year ago and some days since I officially joined blogging community. I started this blog with not many expectations. Just wanted to post my development rants/tips/hints/whatever somewhere in the visible web. I started of writing a post a week. Unfortunately real life started meddling, and that was soon reduced to 1 […]

Designing the web for accesibility

I have been meaning to write this article for some time now. Never got around to write it. So… what am I on about? Well, remember all those beautiful web sites with latest design thing implemented. Enable Zoom Text Only in your Firefox browser (View->Zoom->Zoom Text Only) and zoom in or set larger fonts in […]

Turning big ol’ 30 today…

I remember as a kid, thinking that 30 is soooooooooooooooo far away and by then I will be really really old. Looking back, it wooshed by. Mostly. Now, I need to get back to work. Then, later today, a decent meal and couple pints of beer. Hopefully.

Are Notes really built for Java?

This is what I came to ask myself constantly this past few months. Lately, I’ve been noticing that vast majority of all erra on server is due to some java library error. For example, we experience an annoying issue, when at certain point, Notes decide that some Crypto library is missing and doesn’t load up […]

Flip IT services

Helped to create this web site (and some other stuff, but let’s focus on web site at the moment). The site is in Slovenian and it presents an awesome idea to virtualize the desktop to maximize security and maintenance for minimal costs. Writing HTML, CSS and JS for all those rounded buttons was fiddly, not […]

Installing Cisco ClickToCall plug-in for Sametime Client

We have deployed Sametime some year hence in the company. Now it was time to upgrade its functionality and click to call just sounded as the right one. Not only it removes the need for you to browse company directory for telephone number of a person you want to call (you just do that from […]

Absolute positioned objects hiding behind flash animation

Anyone dealing with HTML will or already has encountered an interesting behavior of embedded objects and absolute positioned objects. When embedded object (e.g. flash animation) is positioned over part or entire absolute positioned object, absolute position object is always displayed behind embedded one.