Author Archive

Win32: Hide to system tray – Part 1

I used to code in C++ a lot. And I mean, a lot. For instance, at previous gig, I created an application that measures bandwidth between multiple clients and a server. Interesting project. Specially since three quarters down that road, I had to port it from Windows platform to Linux. But that is entirely different […]

Web 3.0

Just in case you (like me) didn’t know what the **** Web 3.0 is (I didn’t even know it is a buzz word these days), you should read this post on Amit Agarwal’s blog should help you out.

RGB to HEX converter

In my line of work (building intranet business apps), I too commonly encounter a problem of converting RGB numbers to hex value. Sure, I could just use rgb notation, but I prefer a hex one, as it is easier on the eyes and makes CSS shorter. My solution, usually was, to either use a calculator […]

Extending BuildMaster

I might have mentioned, or I might have not, that we have recently started to use BuildMaster as a continuous integration tool. Before continuing, let me make myself clear and say that besides being a satisfied customer of BuildMaster, I have nothing to do with the product itself. Now, with that out of the way, […]


As you might have noticed, my recent post count suffered a tremendous drop. And surprisingly, work has nothing to do with it. It is just a dangerous attack of laziness that I can not shake off. In my spare time, I have become lazy to a point, where writing this article took about a month […]

Quick tip: Publishing a web application with MSBuild

We have this project, that is developed in house and at an outside contractor. Recently, we purchased and installed BuildMaster and tried to use it to automatically publish this project as well. As it occurs, it is not as easy to publish a .NET 3.5 web application as it is from Visual Studio. To cut […]

Developing for SQL Server merge replication

Lately, we’ve been pushing our application from single server environment into an environment with merge replication. Not only that, but we also migrated from another RDBMS to Microsoft SQL server. While application had no issues working in replication environment, I learned the hard way there are some things that I could and should have done […]

Quick tip: Creating multiple user controls with simillar properties

Imagine you just created 4 or 5 or n different Web user controls in your ASP.NET WebForms application. Now you realized that they all share some properties. This is a problem, because it means you are having nearly identical code in multiple spots. What you can do is create a partial public class that inherits […]

Microsoft cuts passwords to 16 chars

This week a big news broke out. Web mail service Hotmail apparently cut passwords to 16 character of length for years, despite allowing users to enter unlimited number of characters. According to this applies to all Microsoft online services, i.e. Passport authentication. Now, this in itself is not a worry. Allowing 16 characters is […]

Version 2.0

When I started this blog, a page theme was the last thing on my mind and to be honest, I thought a generic one would do. As more time passed, I started noticing things that I really didn’t like. For instance, a search window was a background image and cursor was not centered. Or the […]