Author Archive

Quick tip: Templated controls

If you create a templated server control, import it into your web-site or web application and you want to do: <my:Control ID=”myControl” runat=”server”> <ItemTemplate> Some text, html or whatever. </ItemTemplate> </myControl> and you are allowed to do only: <my:Control ID=”myControl” runat=”server” /> you need to modify your ItemTemplate property to look like this: [TemplateContainer(typeof(MyTemplateControl))] [Browsable(false)] […]


For years, I have tried to learn more about generics, but since my work was never in need for such implementation, I never bothered. Finally, an opportunity arose. I cannot go in specific details, but I had to write a Windows service (in C#) that daily obtains vast amount of similar data which must then […]

Clean code by Robert C. Martin

There are authors that suit you and there are authors that don’t. Having spent a decent amount of time to get through Clean Code: A Handbook of Agile Software Craftsmanship, I have found out, that Mr. Martin fails to suit me. His self admiration and belief that he is new software messiah (and as such, […]

.NET Custom validators – perfect tool (almost)

I don’t know about you, but working with .NET validators is always a fiddly job. Sure, they enable you to do quick validations, but I am yet to find an app where each field only needs one validator. And this is where things usually get interesting.

Happy New Year

This year’s post count is getting a +1. I wish you all a belated merry Christmas and a really happy, healthy and successful new year 2012.

DB2 Data Provider for .NET – followup

A follow-up on article about DB2 Data Provider for .NET

Firefox – new release cycle observation

So working as I always do with Firefox – you know, several windows, kazillion of tabs – I have lately discovered that my PC was running slow nearing the end of a working day. Now, for first 100 times, I just ignored the fact that my 3,33 GHz Core i5 Workstation with 4GB of RAM […]

DB2 Data Provider for .NET

As you might have read, I am lately doing a lot of stuff in .NET with DB2 as a database server. In the past, the only way to connect to a DB2 database from .NET environment was via ODBC. Nowadays, IBM provides us with DB2 data provider for .NET. On top of that, launch of […]

DB2 transactions in .NET environment

Recently, I have been working on a .NET application that uses DB2 as a database engine. On top of that, I needed transactions as I didn’t want for SQL statements to commit if one of them failed. Needless to say, DB2 uses it’s own principle to handling transactions.

Hopping about

This past month I was really really silent. Reason is quite simple. After 11 years, I have decided it was time to jump ship. It wasn’t a decision one would make lightly and you can trust me, it caused several sleepless nights. Specially as this was my first real gig. Lotus Notes development will now […]