Entries for the ‘Geekland’ Category

Code review

In my 15 year career, I have yet to encounter a software company in Slovenia, where code review would be a part of work process. It is surprising how many companies just don’t care what kind of code they produce. And this is exactly the reason why most software originating from Slovenia, well, sucks.

Simple rules for selling software

If you want to sell software to me, you only have to follow these three simple rules: Do not lie to me. Have full featured trial version. Respect me.   Sounds simple right? It is. Except, there will always be that smart sales person that will say something like: “Why don’t we let users download […]

Working on a project you hate

I think every developer, specially in-house one, gets once in a while assigned a project he or she hates. OK, so perhaps hate is too strong of a word. Still, if it happens too often, nobody could resent the use of word hate. Anyway… I stumble on this sort of project once every three to […]

Appearance matters

You worked on a project for months. You made kazillion overtime hours to implement yet another feature that made it look just a little bit more like a rocket. It is your baby. You are proud of it. It cannot be crashed by a meteorite hitting Earth, it runs faster than the speed of light […]

Why Selected event handling should be banned

So… Lately, admins of a web application I wrote several years ago got my attention for claiming the app getting slow. Now, as I, as a regular user of the same app, never noticed any performance issues, I decided to investigate. First problem I encountered was that integration and testing environment had way too little […]

Bye, bye Chrome!

As of a week ago, my computers are clean of Google Chrome. Why would I get rid of fastest browser that everyone is just ga-ga about? Well, let me tell you a little story. My home computer is a thing of evolution. I bought it new like 6 years ago and changed parts that died […]

Conference FFWD.PRO 2013

Yesterday, I visited Zagreb for their annual FFWD.PRO conference. Wanting to know more about UX design, the company decided it would be beneficial to me and the company, if I went. So I did and I must say it was probably best conference I have experienced thus far. Sure, organization could be a tad better. […]

New keyboard

After years of abuse, my Logitech UltraX keyboard decided to die and forced me to find a replacement. As I always have been Logitech man when keyboards and mice are concerned (despite those few years in 90s, when I enjoyed Cherry keyboard) and I was really really pleased with UltraX keyboard, I went on a […]

RGB to HEX converter

In my line of work (building intranet business apps), I too commonly encounter a problem of converting RGB numbers to hex value. Sure, I could just use rgb notation, but I prefer a hex one, as it is easier on the eyes and makes CSS shorter. My solution, usually was, to either use a calculator […]


As you might have noticed, my recent post count suffered a tremendous drop. And surprisingly, work has nothing to do with it. It is just a dangerous attack of laziness that I can not shake off. In my spare time, I have become lazy to a point, where writing this article took about a month […]