Design patterns – Part 1: Strategy pattern

One of the simplest and most commonly used patterns is definitely strategy pattern. We cannot pass a boring definition, so here you go:

The Strategy Pattern defines a family of algorithms, encapsulates each one, and makes them interchangeable. Strategy algorithm vary independently from clients that use it.

You will find out that all strategy pattern really enforces is you to plan your code for change. In this article, I would like to present use of Strategy pattern in LotusScript. [Read the rest of this entry…]

Multilingual applications

The other day, at work, there was a discussion about possible ways to create an application that could easily be ported into different languages. At the end, we got stuck on two possibilities. One was to simply make a new copy of the database and translate all design elements. The second one was to have a string repository (either in the same database or in central place) and then load strings from there. [Read the rest of this entry…]

Design patterns and LotusScript

Design patterns are here to ease work to us developers. They present already made solutions to known problems. I will not go into philosophical debate about why they are practically not used in LotusScript. Instead, in future articles, I will try to present basic design patterns translated to LotusScript.

For those that are already interested or just want to check what the fuss is all about, there are some great books out there (I recommend Head First Design Patterns). I would also suggest checking Yahoo! Design Pattern Library resource.

Transaction logging class for Google Analytics

At work, we are using Google Analytics tool to monitor user behaviour on our web pages. One of the things we really desired in earlier versions and is now finally available is e-commerce transaction logging. This extension uses passed data in many cool ways, creating several impressive reports (e.g. how many times a user visited our page prior making purchase). [Read the rest of this entry…]

Object-Oriented development in LotusScript

Even though IBM posted an article regarding OO development in LotusScript back in 2001(!) on their developerWorks web site, I am still amazed as to how many Lotus application developers choose to avoid using custom made classes today. [Read the rest of this entry…]

Organizing Notes Web Applications

This one might sound a bit of a “d’oh” to experienced Lotus Notes developers. However, in my experience most of young Notes developers that are just starting to float (and even some swimming ones) are lacking ideas how to organize their Lotus Notes database. [Read the rest of this entry…]